カメラの位置・姿勢推定2 PNP問題 実験編2







画像幅 :640pix
主点x  :320
主点y  :240

投影点は OpenCVの projectPoints 関数を使ってやれば簡単にできます.コードは実験編1を参照ください.


今度は上記の結果を使ってカメラ位置を求めます.下記は理論編で導いた数式を Python でコーディングしたものです.

import numpy as np

world = np.array(\
( 5.00,  0.00,  0.00), \
( 5.00,  0.00,  0.50), \
( 6.00, -1.00,  0.00), \
( 6.00, -1.00,  0.50), \
( 6.00,  1.00,  0.00), \
( 6.00,  1.00,  0.50), \
( 7.00,  0.00,  0.50), \

img_pnt = np.array(\
(320.        , 294.12609945), \
(320.        , 312.2071607), \
(291.91086401, 299.94150262), \
(290.62146125, 315.41433581), \
(348.08913599, 299.94150262), \
(349.37853875, 315.41433581), \
(320.        , 317.74146755), \

f = 160
Cu = 320
Cv = 240

## Calculate Normalize Point
def calculateNormailzePnt(img_pnt):

  normalized_img = np.zeros((0, 2))
  for i in range(img_pnt.shape[0]):
    vec = np.zeros((1, 2))
    vec[0][0] = (img_pnt[i][0] - Cu) / f
    vec[0][1] = (img_pnt[i][1] - Cv) / f
    normalized_img = np.append(normalized_img, vec, axis = 0)

  return normalized_img

## Create M Matrix that will be solved by SVD.
def createMMatrix(imgPnt, worldPnt):
  pntNum = imgPnt.shape[0]
  M = np.empty((0, 12 + pntNum))
  for i in range(imgPnt.shape[0]):
    Xw = worldPnt[i][0]
    Yw = worldPnt[i][1]
    Zw = worldPnt[i][2]
    x = imgPnt[i][0]
    y = imgPnt[i][1]
    vec = np.zeros((3, 12 + pntNum))
    # For X
    vec[0, 0] = Xw
    vec[0, 1] = Yw
    vec[0, 2] = Zw
    vec[0, 3] = 1.0
    vec[0, 12 + i] = -x
    # For Y
    vec[1, 4] = Xw
    vec[1, 5] = Yw
    vec[1, 6] = Zw
    vec[1, 7] = 1.0
    vec[1, 12 + i] = -y
    # For Z
    vec[2, 8] = Xw
    vec[2, 9] = Yw
    vec[2, 10] = Zw
    vec[2, 11] = 1.0
    vec[2, 12 + i] = -1

    M  = np.append(M, vec, axis=0)

  return M

def calculateProjectionMatrix(M):

  U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=True)

  num = 1
  v = V[V.shape[0] - num]
  #print("Eigen Value Matrix S : ")
  #print("Eigen Vector Matrix V : ")
  #print("Eigen Vector with Minimum Eigen Value : ")
  lamda = v[V.shape[0] - num]
  #print("Lamda with minimum Eigen Value : ")
  # lamda has to be positive!
  if (lamda < 0):
    sign = -1
  #print("Projection Matrix P : ")
  P = sign *  np.array([[v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]], [v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7]], [v[8], v[9], v[10], v[11]]])
  return P
def calculateRotationMatrixViaQRFactorization(P):
  A1 = np.matrix(P[0, 0:3])
  A2 = np.matrix(P[1, 0:3])
  A3 = np.matrix(P[2, 0:3]) 
  f = np.linalg.norm(A3)
  R3 = A3 / f
  e = A2 * R3.T

  d = np.linalg.norm(A2 - e * R3)
  R2 = (A2 - e * R3) / d

  c = A1 * R3.T
  b = A1 * R2.T
  a = np.linalg.norm(A1 - b * R2 - c * R3)
  R1 = (A1 - b * R2 - c * R3) / a
  #print("Rotation Matrix R : ")
  R = np.zeros((0, 3))
  R = np.append(R, R1, axis=0)
  R = np.append(R, R2, axis=0)
  R = np.append(R, R3, axis=0)
  K = np.matrix([[a, b, c], [0, d, e], [0, 0, f]])
  return R, K
if __name__ == "__main__":
  print("Solve PNP Problem!")
  # 1. Calculate Normalize Coordinate.
  normalized_img = calculateNormailzePnt(img_pnt)
  #M = createMMatrix(normalized_img, world)
  # 2. Create M Matrix that will be solved by SVD.
  M = createMMatrix(img_pnt, world)
  # 3. Calculate Projection Matrix
  P = calculateProjectionMatrix(M)
  # 4. Calculate R and K matrix via QR factorization.
  R, K = calculateRotationMatrixViaQRFactorization(P)
  print("Camera Intrisic Matrix")
  print(K / K[2, 2])
  # 5. Translation found by P = [KR KT] -> T = inv(K) * P[:, 3]
  print("Camera Translation : ")
  print(np.linalg.inv(K) * np.matrix(P[:, 3]).T)
  print("Camera Rotation : ")

最終的には,カメラの内部パラメータ行列 K と並進ベクトル T が下記のように求まります.
仮想的に設定した, f = 160, Cu = 320, Cv = 240 が求まっていることがわかります.また,位置と回転に関しても「カメラ座標系からみた世界座標」が正しく求まっています.

Camera Intrisic Matrix
[[  1.60000000e+02   1.21914379e-08   3.20000000e+02]
 [  0.00000000e+00   1.60000000e+02   2.40000000e+02]
 [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00]]

Camera Translation : 
[[ -3.13782333e-11]
 [ -8.66025401e-01]
 [  5.00000005e-01]]

Camera Rotation : 
[[ -2.33381743e-10   1.00000000e+00   2.54500444e-11]
 [  4.99999998e-01   9.46498690e-11   8.66025405e-01]
 [  8.66025405e-01   2.14840023e-10  -4.99999998e-01]]